Here’s a few of our beautiful Paint Horse winners!

Sire: Rock Four
Dam: Meet Zora
Breeder is Debra Instone
World Champion Green Working Hunter
Michelle Zimmer, Trainer
Cathy Rupp, Owner

The Wizards Wand
Sire: Rock Four
Dam: Cottonjenis Chance
Bred by Debra Instone
Youth Champion
Top 20 in the Nation
Jr Amateur
Amateur Champion
Top 10 in the Nation
Color Breed Congress 2X TOP 5
Color Breed Congress 3X TOP 10
Congratulations owner Gabrielle Sagouris
Thank you trainers Ron and Denise Orman

Just Four Play
Sire: Rock Four
Dam: J.D. Snickers
A money winner in several futurities!

Chipped N Rock
Sire: Zippo For Chocolate
Dam: Rock Four Chrisy
This cross,Zippo and Rock Four daughter has produced a futurity pay check for us the last 2 years with Zippo For Chocolate offspring oldest just being 2 year olds…This is a beautiful filly and she has the gaits to be a World Champion western pleasure horse.

Force of Dominance
Sire: Rock Four
Dam: Dominate Jenny
2006 APHA Honor Roll 5th in the Nation
2011 Horse of the Year Pinto Geldings
Owned by Giles and Debra Instone Mill Brook Farm Midway KY

He Should Be A Winner
Sire: Zippo For Chocolate
Dam: Rock Four Chrisy by Rock Four
Champion Iowa Longe Line Open Futurity
Thank you Audra Snyder.

I'm All Four Some Fun
Sire: Rock Four
Dam: Jetalito Mac
Congratulations to World Champion Cassie Vold with I’m All Four Some Fun by Rock Four

To Cute Four You
Sire: Rock Four
Dam: Rock Witchy Woman
Champion Iowa Futurities Open Yearling Longe Line
Res. Champion World Wide Paint Congress Yearling Longe Line
Top 10 Reichert Celebration Yearling Longe Line
Top 10 Mid West Futurity Yearling Long Line
APHA Points under saddle in Western Pleasure, hunter under saddle and halter.
Congratulations Ceasar Gonzalous and a big thank you to Pelletier Pleasure Horses.

I’m All Four It
Sire: Rock Four
Dam: Boston Jet
Winner of numerous Top Ten at Pinto World Championship
Thank you Lindsey Smith.

Invite Kim
Sire: Special Invitation
Dam: Zip Impulsively
This filly is bred in the purple! On her papers you will find Invitation Only,Impulsions and Zippo Pine Bar! While showing at Reichert Celebration we walked thru the sale horses only to fall in love with Invite Kim..Andy had to come back in Iowa so we left Tulsa on Wednesday. We thought about the filly Thursday and Friday only to drive back to Tulsa for the Pleasure Stakes Sale on Saturday morning to purchase this filly to ad to our breeding program after we are done showing her.
Kim is being sponsored by Nutrena Feed for a year..we kindly thank Nutrena for the sponsorship as we are firm believers in their product! Already a Lunge Line point earner, watch for Kim under saddle at the Reichert Celebration in 09!
Top 5 Reichert Celebration open 2 year old pleasure stakes with Andy Lockwood. Top 5 Reichert Celebration non pro pleasure stakes with Becky Rockow.
Trained by Becky Rockow and Andy Lockwood. A big thank you to Andy Lockwood for taking Kim to her first horse show..Iowa 7 day run to see the sights and for putting on the polish and also to Jeff Summers for his coaching along the way.

Dee Bars A Rockn
Sire: Rock Four
Dam: Choyas Command Dee Bar
Winner MN Paint Futurity
Shown by Dennis Egan
Owned By Arlo and Sandy Jaeger

Four Sale
Sire: Rock Four
Dam: Rock Rockn Robin
A full brother to Four Chin Teller
Owned by Jacklyn Losie showing under the guidance of Dodie Howard.